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AgroCal500® Gypsum

Optimal input of assimilable calcium

Calcium is referred to as the king of nutrients. Exclusive to Agro-100®, AgroCal500® Gypsum is a practical and economical source of calcium and sulphur that has little or no effect on soil pH. Composed of 21% calcium and 15.5% sulphur in the form of sulphates for rapid absorption, AgroCal500® Gypsum is designed to favour optimal crop production. Its nutritive capacity and revitalizing effect make it the perfect soil amendment for any fertilization program aimed at reaching the full yield potential of many crops. AgroCal500® Gypsum helps to increase assimilable calcium and sulphur availability, establishing optimal conditions to produce high yielding crops.

AgroCal500® Gypsum achieves a dual function: fertilizing and revitalizing. Gypsum is a lot more soluble than most agricultural limes (about 100 times more soluble); making it a very good source of soluble and readily available calcium and sulphates. Calcium plays a crucial role in the composition and growth of plant tissue. It helps to improve plant development and resistance to diseases and shocks. Greater calcium availability is particularly important in order to obtain greater yields. With its high calcium content, AgroCal500® Gypsum limits physiological disorders associated with calcium deficiency (bitter pit in apples, blossom-end rot in tomatoes and peppers, tip burn in lettuce, etc.) and helps to produce fruits and vegetables that are better able to withstand preservation without any loss of quality that may be experienced at harvest. With AgroCal500® Gypsum, food is richer in calcium and proteins (sulphur effect). In combination with regular fertilization, AgroCal500® Gypsum activates and supports robust plant growth.

Sulphur is the other major component of AgroCal500® Gypsum. Today, sulphur is considered the fourth macronutrient with NPK for all cultivated plants. Sulphur is indispensable for the synthesis of proteins and chlorophylls and for the assimilation of nutritional elements, especially nitrogen coming from fertilizers or symbiotic fixation. Plants thus have a vital need in sulphur throughout their cycle including building up seed reserves. Sulphur is essential to reach the crop’s objectives in quality and organoleptic properties (rate of proteins, forage energy value, glucosinolates content in cruciferous crops, cysteine sulfoxides content in onions/garlic, etc.). Sulphur improves resistance and self-defense ability against stress. Furthermore, sulphur input helps to maintain the right nitrogen-sulphur ratio in the soil for matter to decompose. The reduction of atmospheric sulphur emissions and the use of sulphur-poor fertilizers generate a deficiency of this element in many crops. A sulphur deficiency in the soil leads to stunted growth and a loss in yield and quality at harvest, thus a loss in revenue. Since atmospheric sulphur is no longer available, fertilization needs to be fulfilled with a regular input of sulphur to ensure crop yield and quality. AgroCal500® Gypsum is a cost-effective solution to address any crops’ needs in sulphur. AgroCal500® Gypsum is recommended for calcium- and sulphur-intensive crops such as cruciferous crops, soybean, corn, potato, beet, alfalfa, clover, forage grass, etc.

Gypsum input is a cost-effective way to revitalize the soil. Indeed, gypsum (calcium sulphate) favours the formation of agregates and improves the structure of medium to heavy soils. Good soil structure is the foundation of micro-organism activity and increases availability of nutritional elements. By intensifying soil biological activity, Agrocal500® Gypsum creates favourable conditions to soil-life development (worms, bacteria). It can also help to reduce soil capping, improve soil aeration, water and nutrient retention by the soil and decrease loss due to phosphorus surface run-off.

Depending on their manufacturing process, some gypsums may contain residual lime, which may increase soil pH or else they may contain nutrients that are not entirely soluble in water. As for AgroCal500® Gypsum, it is entirely soluble and readily available and it has no effect on soil pH at normal application rates. AgroCal500® Gypsum provides obvious benefits in high pH soils or for crops in acidic environments.

  • Immediate calcium and sulphur input, both are essential elements for plant growth
  • Stimulates root establishment, plant growth and health, and chlorophyll formation (sulphur effect)
  • Improves soil structure and porosity, easing root penetration and encouraging better air and water circulation
  • Prevents soil capping (better seed germination)
  • Stimulates soil microbial activity
  • Increases availability of other elements in the soil and enhances the value of fertilizers
  • Reduces salinity (sodium displacement) and aluminum toxicity in acidic subsoil
  • No effect on soil pH (ideal for potatoes, blueberries, etc.)
  • Recommended for all crops, but particularly in calcium- and sulphur-intensive crops (cabbage, canola, alfalfa, soybean, corn, etc.)

In conclusion, AgroCal500® Gypsum offers the dual capacity of revitalizing and fertilizing the soil in a single operation. On top of having no effect on soil pH and providing precious essential plant nutrients, AgroCal500® Gypsum improves soil health and optimizes yields. The high agronomic value and “nutriliming” synergy found in AgroCal500® Gypsum make fertilization more profitable and promote an increase in productivity.

To learn more about AgroCal500® Gypsum

For more information about the agronomic and economic benefits of Agro-100’s nutriliming agents or to place an order of AgroCal500® Gypsum, please consult your Agro-100 agricultural representative or write to us at

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